Wednesday, December 18, 2013

New Friends vs. Old Friends

In today's book review for I reviewed a book called Question of the Day: Where Truth is the Dare by Al Katkowski. In an effort to demonstrate the types of questions the book asks, I used to pick a page in the book and asked StoryDam readers to answer it.

I realized it would be pretty cruel if I didn't at least follow suit, even though I find this question a difficult one to answer. Here's the question of the day:

My Answer:

I am happy to see that this question is ranked as one of the "heavy" questions of the book because it is something that is more difficult to answer than I thought it would be when I first read it.

First of all, I am not the most social person in the world, so I can't say that there are a huge number of "new friends" to think about in terms of this question. My local writing group accounts for the first group of people that I have regularly socialized with since having to leave work due to my illness.

My natural response to this question would be that my newer friends know more about my passion for writing than my older friends. However, since my husband still works in the place where I worked and many of my older friends run into him, I am often told by him that people say they "love reading" what I write. They don't comment, or let me know this, so I would never think that this is the fact.

I honestly can not think of anything else, but this is for one big reason: Facebook. I am connected with my many of my older friends through Facebook and, as anyone who is my Facebook friend knows, I am a huge (over)sharer on that social media network. Therefore, anything that my new friends may learn about me, I would, most likely, come back to Facebook to share myself. Is this odd? Maybe. But I feel like the whole point of staying connected to older friends in this way. 

So what is your answer to this Question of the Day?
 How difficult do you find this question to answer?


  1. Sounds to me to be a paid advertisement, made to look like a story. Skanks all over the internet!

  2. Lmao! I wish. My brother says they should pay me. Anyway, this is a dated post. They've changed a lot of their policies because I guess all of that stuff was too good to be true. I nearly deleted the APP from my phone two weeks ago due to my frustrations with all of the changes. I'm sticking with it for now, but definitely not praising it from the rooftops anymore.
