X-Men First Class
This is easily my most pathetic review of the month. I fell asleep. It was not the movie's fault! I was pretty sick the 48 hours preceding going to the movie. I didn't even sleep the night before. However, when my husband asked if I could make it to a showing at 11-something at night, I said yes. Silly? Absolutely. Worth it? Without question! My husband really wanted to see that movie all day and when we waited hours for his brother to join us, only to be stood up (for a girl, of course!), I knew I couldn't let him down too.
As I battled for consciousness I did really like what I saw. I love how our own history intertwines with the X-Men's development. My husband loved the movie. I was surprised by this because as the comic book purist in the house, I thought the changes in the X-Men mythos would be too much for him to bear, but it seems I have been softening him on these restrictions over the years. I can't wait until we get this movie on DVD so I can watch it all the way through!
Super 8
Stephen Spielberg, J.J. Abrams and trailers that had me reminiscing of The Goonies
I was so. incredibly, AMPED. for this movie to come out!
And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the mistake. The movie was good. I enjoyed it. I even had some fun while watching it. But as I walked out of the theater I couldn't stop myself from saying, "SOMEthing was missing... I have no idea what it was, but I needed something more." That's it in a nutshell. There's no one to blame but me, though. I expected the moon, the movie delivered some stars instead - they were beautiful and sparkle-y, but all I was thinking was where's my moon? Some day I will write a whole entire post about movie expectations...
I haven't talked to anyone else who saw the movie besides my husband, so I am left wondering what the general consensus of things might have been.
Green Lantern
Um... yes we see pretty much all of the comic book movies that are in the theaters! There was much trepidation over this one: Could Ryan Reynolds stop goofing off long enough to play this character? My husband was dubious. I heard that Mr. Reynolds was a major Green Lantern fan and I felt that was reason enough to believe he would take this seriously. Well, the verdict is in and Ryan Reynolds gets two enthusiastic thumbs UP! Green Lantern was a lot of fun and, I think, a good set up for a sequel. As much as I wanted to see a movie with Sinestro as the villain, there is simply no way to do that character any justice without giving him some ample time as a Green Lantern. So, in short, I consider this film one pretty good prequel to the real action to come!
Cars 2
Disney rocks, but PIXAR rocks my socks off. I never miss a Pixar film in theaters and I own every one put on DVD. I am letting you know this so you recognize a forehand where any bias may stem from.
We went to see Cars 2 on opening night at an 8pm showing.
This. was. classic.
We didn't realize it, but we stumbled into a fantastic playground - everyone else but us had their children with them (of course!). The kids were so great! As the trailers played they "ooo-ed" and "aaahhh-ed" at The Smurfs, Winnie the Pooh and MY FAVORITE The Muppets! Throughout the movie there were little sounds of excitement here and there until about an hour in when, for reasons beyond me at the time, all of the children starting talking all at once. Then it stopped. I couldn't help but laugh! I thought it was because there was a lull in the driving action on the screen - when we finally left the theater and saw what time it was (well passed 11!!), I realized the "uproar" was probably the "right before bedtime groggy" battle being waged by many all at the same time!
Anyway, back to the movie. My husband had heard bad reviews, so we were skeptical - could this be Pixar's first fail? We didn't think so. We both enjoyed it. BUT, and there is a but here (unfortunately) we don't have kids, and after reading some opinions from some mom bloggers I finally see where this movie may have missed the mark. It has violence in it that we have not seen in these movies before. Although the original Cars audience may have grown up and be exposed to violence in other media outlets, their younger brother and sisters and other new Cars audience members do not go to Pixar films to be exposed to violence. Also, the movie may be a bit long for younger audiences, so double-check the time before you take the family out for the after-dinner movie!
What films did you see this June?
Do you have any opinions on the one above? I'd love to know what you thought!
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