Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Top 10 "To-Reads" for the Summer

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish which I found out about thanks to Amber over at Me, My Shelf & I. There's a new book-related top ten list every single week and it is a great way to get to know other book-loving bloggers! Everyone is welcome to join in the weekly linky party, even if you can't think of TEN for a certain Tuesday (just think of as many as you can!), just make sure you link back to The Broke and the Bookish if you do!

This week's topic is:
 This list is mostly comprised of books I have started and better have finished by the end of the summer! Some are new starts, but a couple have been hanging around for way too long!!


I grabbed this book up about a month ago, but I was already in the middle of to other must-reads for reviews I had scheduled.I have since starting getting into it and I am finding even the first chapter fascinating!


I started Skinny last week because it is one of the books I have been looking forward to most from my BEA stash. An overweight teen has this voice in her head named "Skinny" that whispers to her what everyone else is thinking. I think this is going going to be a very important YA book coming out this Fall.


I know this cover looks ridiculous, but this is the Philip K. Dick collection that contains the story that Total Rekall is based on. Since I am a book before the movie kind of girl, I wanted to read the story, as well as get a taste for some of Philip K. Dick's other stories. (This will increase my nerd-cred.)


I happened to catch a really cool interview on The Today Show a long time ago (I think it was last year!) with Al Roker and the children's reading group where they were discussing this book. I thought it sounded fun and fascinating. I really do love reading kid's books, particularly like this - the title is secret, the author is "pseudonymous bosch" and the narrator is just terrible at keeping things hush hush!

5 - 10 ++ Curtis High School's Summer Reading List
About ten years ago, when I was still teaching I took home my school's summer reading list. I always taught freshmen and, while I taught mathematics, I loved to talk to my kids about what they were reading. I thought that if they had someone else to talk to about their books besides just their English teacher they could see that reading was really awesome and not just homework. Until this day, that was one of my most productive reading summers. I read every single book on the list that I hadn't already read. In many cases I read multiple books in one day! It is something I've wanted to do again.

I no longer teach, but my husband is still an English teacher at the school I used to work at. The summer reading list has been completely redrafted. I asked him to bring it home to me last week to see if there were a lot of books I hadn't read, or if it was just a couple of additions.

Here's how the numbers play out:
  • Freshman reading list: I read two of the book choices and have not read nine others.
  • Sophomore reading list: I read five of the book choices and have not read five others.
  • Junior reading list: I read one of the book choices and have not read seven others.
  • Senior reading list: I have read three of the book choices and have not read five others.
Based on this, and on my "rules" from the last time I went with the last time I tackled the summer reading list, that means I have twenty-six more book to add to my TBR list! To see the complete list, check out my post about it here.

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