I took three actions, in fact, and I am extremely happy to say that I have been successful (so far) in my endeavor. In case you too suffer from insomnia, I wanted to share these three steps with you.
Step 1: Remove the iPhone from the Bedroom
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As difficult as it is, each night I have been setting my iPhone on the charger in the living room (extremely far out of my reach!) before going to bed. I can no longer tweet about my insomnia, jot down middle of the night story ideas (that lead to middle of the night writing FULL stories!), or ironically search the entire Internet for insomnia fixes while shining the bright electronic screen in my sleepy eyes. It has been helpful, although I am expecting the withdrawal to kick in any night now.
Step 2: Getting Help From A Guide
One of the greatest (non-physical) causes of insomnia are all those pesky thoughts that distract you from the act of relaxing. Are you planning for the next day? Maybe you are reflecting upon the day past? Did you just remember that you didn't call your aunt back after dinner? Now you're trying to figure out when will be the best time to call her tomorrow... Ahh! It's maddening. All you need to do is clear your mind, just like in meditation, but maybe you need some help. I did. Here's what I found:
Now I know what you are thinking, "How is she listening to this without her iPhone in the room?" Well, here's the trick: we have an iPod in the bedroom that we usually use to play RelaxMyDog for Champ when he is stressed out (it helps!). I "borrow" the dog's iPod, but it on the nightstand, far out of my reach and let it play out loud.
This video (which I am just using as audio assistance) is quite effective. I have not heard the end of this video yet. Each night I have used this I have been asleep before it finishes!
Step 3: Melatonin
While I am joining the throngs who highly recommend melatonin as an option for anyone who is having issues with sleep, it is also incredibly important to be well-informed before taking any kind of of supplement. About.com has a great page on melatonin describing its uses and precautions. Please read it completely before deciding whether or not it is right for you.
Your Plan
Do you suffer from insomnia, or are you a sound sleeper? Whatever the case, I'm wondering what your plan is for a sound sleep. Do you alter your sleeping environment, your diet or your habits for a good night's sleep? What do you do on the nights that sleeping is a struggle? Any and all suggestions are welcomed - just add them in the comments section!
Thanks for reading!
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