Saturday, June 1, 2013

BEA 2013 - Time to Pay It Forward!

Have I told you how much I love you? Yes, you, reading these words right now on Rivera Runs Through It. If it were not for you, not for this blog, there would be no way for me to have experienced the magnificent weekend I just did at the BEA13 (BookExpo America 2013) in the Jacob Javits Center.

With that said, I understand that I owe you. BIG TIME.

It's coming. Very soon. In the form of book reviews, book giveaways and sharing of knowledge bestowed upon me over the last four days.

I hope you're ready.

I wish I was ready to start right now, but as I am exceedingly grateful that my body did not freak out at all during the hours of the convention as I feared (we had a couple of flare ups at night, at home, but - hey - I'll take it), I owe my body too. A long night of lazy morning Sunday kind of rest.

But, Cynthia, who commented on the blog yesterday pointed out, I need to share pictures as well. To keep you sated for awhile, here is a link to my Instagram account (I'm fairly new to Instagram) where I tried to share as much as possible while at the convention this week (I only wish I thought of doing this sooner!): Instagram

I hope you enjoy that for now. I know it isn't enough. You deserve so much more. You should check out the pictures to see what's on its way! Happy reading. Happy writing. And, as always, thank you for reading Rivera Runs Through It!

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