I wanted to keep you apprised of some slight changes you may have noticed around here. Summer is upon us which means, among other things, my husband is home! This is amazing news for the Rivera household, but it also makes the days fly by in a flurry of exciting "do nothing" days. I have noticed, in the past, that this has a direct impact on my blogging. Rather than beat myself up and berate myself all year about the epic fail of a summer turn out I had, I created a compromise with myself that I am happy with. During the summer months I will aspire to two to three posts per week (though I won't hold myself back from more, if it fits my schedule), rather than aspire to five posts a week (as I strive to do most of the year). This is a manageable goal and something that won't leave my husband feeling neglected. On that note, I didn't want you to feel like you were being neglected either, which is why I am sharing this personal negotiation with you.
How does your schedule change in the summer?
Is it schedule shift your are happy with, or is the winter a happier time?
It's summer?!?!?! Oh, that's why it's been so hot! My new job has me outside a lot, so I see the weather, but other than that, things are the same regardless of the calendar.