Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What IF #19 [Writing Prompt]

What if #19:
What if one of your wishes could be granted this Christmas?

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Christmas is a magical time of year. Once we've freed ourselves from the insanity of the commercial world around us and take the time to reflect upon what Christmas is all about, the warm and fuzzy feelings return. Most children still have a firm grasp on the miraculous magic that the season holds. This isn't just because they still believe in Santa Claus and flying reindeer, it is because the grown-ups in their lives keep the magic alive! As the Christmas season approaches, children have the sense to make their wishes known, and the grown-ups in earshot do what they can to grant those wishes in a way that even Santa himself couldn't do.

So what if there was someone listening closely to you this year? What if the rule for grown ups was that only ONE very special wish could be granted each year? What would your special wish be this year? Would it be a cool new gift, a job, a vacation, a wish for someone else? It can be anything... this is Christmas, after all!

Write it down, let the world know - who knows? Maybe someone will be listening! You can think about it as a piece of your own personal Vision Board (a la The Secret). 

Link up your post below.

Each week the Rivera Runs Through It blog presents a different "What If...?" question for you to explore.
Link up your own post about this week's question. If you have arrived at this post and the inlinkz tool is closed, or you don't have a blog, then please leave your response (or link) in the comment section below using DISQUS.

For a list of all of the What if questions asked so far, 

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