Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lost Memory

When I saw 50 First Dates I thought the premise was equally intriguing and ridiculous; a woman with a strange condition where she could not save any new experiences in her brain. She could pretty much get through a day with you, know your name, get to know you, have  a really good time, but then by the next morning *POW!* it was like it never happened.

I tried to imagine what this could possibly feel like - not only from the woman's perspective, but for everyone in her life.

This week I got a tiny little technological taste. In the middle of writing last week's short story (I was already a week behind...) for the #52stories challenge, my laptop seized.  In that moment, so did my breathing. I calmly decided to Force Quit all of my programs and restart the machine (it had recently been yelling at me about StartUp memory or something...). When everything came back on there was an "AutoRecovery" version of my story waiting for me. I opened it and it had everything but the last sentence I had written! What glorious luck! I thought. I saved it, then typed my next sentence and clicked "Save" again, just to confirm my wondrous luck. Well, the laptop was not having it. It simply could not handle saving that one sentence.

I was literally OUT OF MEMORY.

I spent the rest of the day exporting files to my external hard drive, deleting duplicate or unnecessary files. Without boring you with every nitty gritty detail, I have to just inform you: I zapped everything I could. For some reason, my MacBook is still angry with me and I can't even work on it.

I am now seeking professional help!

Tomorrow is my appointment at the Apple Store, where I anticipate we will be resetting my little laptop back to factory settings. So the GOOD NEWS? It's going to be like having a brand new laptop all over again! Yay! Of course, there's the BAD NEWS too: It's going to be like having a brand new laptop all over again. Boo!

I hope to have this all resolved by Monday night, but I may have to spend some time Tuesday reinstalling - ie rebuilding - my technical play-space, so, unless I get some Desktop time in between, there may be a couple of more days of silence!

Therefore, if you don't mind:


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