Monday, September 2, 2013

My 1000 Cranes

According to Japanese legend, a person who makes 1000 origami cranes is granted a wish. In fact, when I first heard the legend it was that the creator would be cured of an illness.

I am a big believer in all types of things, particularly those types of things that can't hurt you if you try them. I have decided that I am going to make 1000 cranes in the hopes that the gods smile down upon their beauty and help me find my path to health.

Yesterday I found a book of almost 900 pages of origami paper to get me started. It wasn't easy for me to figure out to make a crane, but finally, the follwing YouTube video came in handy:

Last night I made my first 14 cranes.I have read that I need to create the thousand within one year's time. I don't see why I shouldn't be able to do this.

Have you heard of the Japanese legend of 1000 cranes?
If you were granted one wish for making 1000 origami cranes, what would you wish for?

1 comment:

  1. I have never heard of the legend, but like you I'm willing to try some things like that, so long as is there is no harm in it. You'll definitely be able to fold a crane on demand from now on after working your way through 1000 of them!

    My wish, if I were to fold all the cranes, would be to know what job I am best suited for that will make me happy. While I'd really like to know that piece of information, I'd much rather give up my chance so that people who really need the wish can get theirs.
