Sunday, April 29, 2012

ROW80 - Goals Accomplished and Things To Do

I feel like I have sailed to new heights today. Two things on my eternal to-do list were crossed off all within one 24 hour period. One of them, quite surprisingly, is one of my ROW80 goals that has been dragging along in the dirt beside me, largely ignored, while I continued trekking through my life. Today I finally went to go meet the Staten Island Writers group! That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I sat down, face to face with live human writers and talked about writing! And, I plan on going back for the next meeting!

Look at me. All grown up.

My other fantastic accomplishment today was "hiking" the Pink trail in the Staten Island Greenbelt (that's where the cool picture is from). I put "hiking" in quotes because the pink trail isn't much of a hike (if it was, I'd probably be in traction right now instead of comfortably writing to you with nothing more than a headache); it's more like a walk around the block, if you lived in the middle of the woods. It's all flat, with a nice trail carved out for you. The "challenges" in the walk come from a slightly swampy section and the ticks that felt free to jump from the trees onto my hand and my husband's head! (Strangely, the two dogs came out tick-free!)

Getting back to my writing and reading life,
  • I am happy to say I posted my first short story, Prove It!, for the #52Stories Writing Challenge and I have gotten a bunch of feedback on it, but now I'm hard at work developig story number two!
  • I am learning tons about my own writing from my online writing workshop on critiquing through SavvyAuthors.
  • I am on target to finish a number of books for my Goodreads reading challenge by the end of April, and
  • I am working on a new book club for the Word of the Nerd website that I am very excited about!
So, as usual, lots of things are getting done and even more are coming! I hope all of my fellow ROWers had as wonderful day as I did and are making headway in their own personal goals.

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