Sunday, January 29, 2012

First Quickie Check-In for ROW80

On Thursday I announced my participation in the ROW80, the writing challenge that understands you have a life. In that post, as part one of the the challenge, I set goals for myself. The second part of the challenge is the accountability: The Check-Ins.

As part of ROW80, you must check in each Sunday and Wednesday to ensure you are keeping up with your goals.

Welcome to my first check-in!

For the sake of brevity (and saving your sanity) I will only list those goals which I moved forward in this week so far, as for the rest, I will do a thorough recap on Wednesday.


 I had two writing-specific goals and I am pleased to say that I have made headway in both! First of all, I committed myself to  writing for at least three hours per day Monday through Friday. I have don this consistently since Wednesday, and, I am overjoyed to say that on Friday afternoon, one story seemed to beg to go on. I think I may be on the verge of starting my next novel (I still can't believe that!) thanks to this commitment.

The second writing-specific goal also sprung to life this week. I am an active part of an online writing group via Twitter. There are six of us that keep checking in with each other, meeting via #wordmongering word sprints and checking in with our ROW80! There's Morgan, Tui, Julie, Chasing Joy, Susan, and ME! It's been really great to have this virtual support and it is nice to share the joy of the writing experience with others (check out Tui's first check in to ROW80 - it surprised the heck out me today!)


As part of my reading goals, I was hoping to make a dent in my goodreads 2012 reading challenge. I set it up that I would read 52 books in 2012! Well, this week, I finished my first two books of 2012, so I'm finally on my way!

Spreading Out/Getting Published

Finally, I said that I would like to start contributing to the Yahoo Contributor's Network. I have been enrolled since August 2011, but have not made the leap to contribute any work yet. Since I set it as a goal on Thursday, I got right to working on that and submitted two pieces. So far, one has been published and the other is still being reviewed. You can check out my Yahoo Contributor profile to see my stuff (who knows maybe there will be more stuff by the time you get there).

The Rest of the ROWers

Here are the links of all of the others who have bravely checked in this week Looks like I'll be link #77). Check them out, cheer them and on, and, if you are so inclined, join the crew! I hope I've made you proud in the couple of days I've at this challenge!

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