Thursday, February 23, 2012

Broetry: Poetry for Dudes

broetry cover
Gentlemen, I have found a new book for you. It's a great conversation starter, good for a couple of laughs and it was written with you in mind. In fact, it was written to make you think about its implications. It is called Broetry and, as the name suggests, it is poetry for bro's, or, as the subtitle declares: Poetry for Dudes.

Brian McGackin, the book's author, explained his own motivations for writing the book this past July in an article for The Huffington Post,
Personally, I love poetry. I've been reading it and writing it my whole life. But as a 25-year-old American male who also likes sports and sex and beer and video games, sometimes it's hard to find poetry that feels like it's speaking directly to me.

You may be wondering what implications such a book could have., Well, through Broetry, McGackin is hoping to send a message to all of his fellow "broets" out there:
"Broetry" is meant to be fun, and it is certainly meant to be funny, but it is also meant to be poetry... See, what I think is more important than the physical text of my "Broetry" is the idea that there is no reason why broetry in general cannot and should not exist. "Broetry" isn't just one book written by one person; it's poetry that's smart, accessible, and relevant, and it can be written by anyone.
So,go check it out, Broetry, the book you've been waiting for published by Quirk Books. Within you will find poems about ex-girlfriends, hangovers, frat parties, video games, nerd-life, looking for work, living on your own, and all sorts of other randomness. But, perhaps, even more importantly you will also find some inspiration to start writing some broetry of your own.

In the Huffington Post article, McGackin shares one of his favorite broems, O Captain! My Captain America! I am happy to say it was one of my favorites, too and I found video of the author, himself reciting it. Here's a little taste of what you'll find in the pages of Broetry - Enjoy (note: there is some profanity):

This review was also shared on The Word of the Nerd blog. 
(You should totally check them out!)

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